Monday, June 25, 2007

Calculating Heating and Cooling Loads using gbXML

Software supporting a gbXML import has been;

The gbxml format is not written by Autodesk, and any information that is imported into gbXML program is based on what that program reads from the file, and not necessarily what Autodesk exports to gbxml. I would contact these 3rd party program manufactures to see what type of documentation they have available on how they import gbxml data.

There is a room name and room number issue that Autodesk’s development team is aware of and is investigating.

These programs will not know the information about the wall construction type from the model. Currently, there is no way to bring this type of information in from the model. You will need to input all of that information into the gbXML program. I have submitted a request for Autodesk to provide more documentation about gbxml export and the type of settings that are exported by the software.

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