Monday, October 23, 2006

3rd Party BIM Estimating Tools

Innovaya Composer for ADT/ABS is an add-on program for Autodesk Architectural Desktop (ADT) and Autodesk Building Systems (ABS). By taking your multiple design files into a single model, Innovaya Composer for ADT and ABS help your project teams in communication, coordination, and automating and enhancing the process of quantity takeoff, cost estimating and scheduling by the use of it's many products. It imports ADT and ABS design element information into Innovaya project model and exports the model into an .INV file, which can be read by all Innovaya visual applications for visualization, communication, quantity takeoff, cost estimating, construction simulating, and so on.

With the .INV file, you can use one to four of Innovya’s software solutions.

Visual BIM

Innovaya Visual BIM provides intuitive and interactive user interfaces that allow users to browse detailed object information in an Autodesk Architectural Desktop® (ADT) or Autodesk Revit® model.

Visual Simulation

Innovaya Visual Simulation associates Building Information Models (BIM) objects with scheduling activities, performing 4D construction planning and constructability analysis.

Visual Quantification

Innovaya Visual Quantification performs object quantity takeoff accurately, quickly, and intelligently from Autodesk’s ADT/Revit.

Visual Estimating

Innovaya Visual Estimating performs cost estimating accurately, quickly, and intelligently by delivering objects from Autodesk’s ADT/Revit to Sage Timberline.

To request further product information or a product brochure, you can see their website here.

Innovaya Software Products

There is a great article about the details of how the Innovaya software works here at AEC Bytes.

Visual Estimating: Extending BIM to Construction

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